Safety Tags
GEAR-TAG: Inspection safety test tags for rigging and safety equipment
Our test tags and cable tags are ideal for tagging harnesses, rigging, lanyards, and other safety equipment.

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Safety test tags are typically used to identify inspections on rigging and safety equipment. The GEAR-TAG is extremely durable and can withstand most any weather conditions.
We sell safety test tags at 175mm in length in colour-coded packs of 100. Each test tag can be customised with your logo or business name (note that artwork charges may apply).
Our GEAR-TAGs are ideal for tagging safety gear, including:
- Harnesses
- Rigging
- Lanyards
- Pipes
- Hoses
- Electrical equipment
- Freight containers
- Other safety products
JBTA & JBTN Series: Cricket Bat Test Tag with Security Clip
The leading test tag for industrial and construction areas. This is an industrial quality test tag that can withstand harsh weather conditions complete with marking pen and security clips. (Yes! Test tags can be completely customised with your logo and design. Artwork charges may apply)
JSLTT & JSLTTN Series: Self Laminating Test Tags
Self-Adhesive Tear-Resistant Synthetic Test Tag with protective laminate flap to protect information recorded. Supplied in packs of 100 with marking pen. (Suitable for indoor and office use only). Also available as a barcode tag.
- SLTT-1 Red Dec-Feb
- SLTT-2 Green March-May
- SLTT-3 Blue June-Aug
- SLTT-4 Yellow Sept-Nov
- SLTT-5 Orange 6 Monthly Jan-June
- SLTT-6 White 6 Monthly July-Dec
- SLTT-7 Black Yearly
- SLTT-8 Burgundy 5 Yearly
- SLTT-R Rainbow 25 each of red, green, blue, yellow
NSW Test Tag Colour Chart: JBTN Series
- CBTN-1 Red Jan/Sep NSW ONLY
- CBTN-2 Blue Feb/Jul
- CBTN-3 Orange Mar/Nov
- CBTN-4 Green Apr/Aug
- CBTN-5 White May/Dec
- CBTN-6 Yellow Jun/Oct
- CBTN-R Rainbow 17 each of above colours
- CBTN-7 Black (no legend)
- SLTTN-1 Red Jan/Sep NSW ONLY
- SLTTN-2 Blue Feb/Jul
- SLTTN-3 Orange Mar/Nov
- SLTTN-4 Green Apr/Aug
- SLTTN-5 White May/Dec
- SLTTN-6 Yellow Jun/Oct
- SLTTN-R Rainbow 17 each of above colours
- SLTTN-7 Black (no legend)