High Voltage Authorised Personnel Only

Danger Signs

Keep Your Workplace Safe with Jabac’s High-Quality Danger Signs – Choose from a Variety of Options to Suit Your Needs.

Danger Signs should be used to warn of a particular hazard or hazardous condition that is likely to be life-threatening as specified by Australian Standards 1319.

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High Voltage Authorised Personnel Only

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Australian Standard 1319-1994 outlines the design and layout of workplace signs. It specifies the sign shall comprise a white rectangle with black enclosure and white surround and must incorporate the word DANGER in white letter on a red symbolic oval shape placed above or to the left of the white rectangle.. Any other text must be in black letter. Symbols and pictos are not to appear on Danger signs. This can be placed on a separate sign beside or below the DANGER sign.

High Voltage                         

Danger Signage

Danger signs are a crucial communication tool in any workplace, especially in industries that are high-risk, hazardous or dangerous. These signs use recognisable symbols, colours and text to warn people of any dangerous situations.

According to Australian Standards 1319 (AS 1319), a danger sign should be used to warn people of a particular hazard or hazardous condition in their vicinity that is likely to be life-threatening.

Safety signs and symbols are a vital part of health and safety regulations in many countries. They serve as visual reminders of the potential risks associated with certain activities, substances or areas. Without danger signs, individuals may not be aware of potential dangers and could put themselves or others at risk.

Typically, a danger sign is characterised by the word danger in a red oval, which is mainly surrounded by a black rectangle. This is mostly the top part of the sign and looks like a heading for the descriptive text. The top part is written in white letters with a black background.

The bottom part is often written in black text on a white background. For example, there are several types of danger signs, and a descriptive text could be something like “high voltage” or “no entry – authorised personnel only”.

Dangerous signage can be available in several materials, such as metal, polypropylene, and self-adhesive sticker material (vinyl).

Warning Signs vs Danger Signs

Warning signs and danger signs may seem similar, but they serve different purposes. Warning signs are used to caution people about potential hazards or dangerous situations that are not life-threatening but could result in minor injuries or illnesses. According to the Australian Standard, a warning sign usually has a black triangle on a yellow background with black text and symbols.

On the other hand, danger signs are used to warn individuals of life-threatening situations that require immediate action. This could include hazards such as high voltage areas, toxic substances or dangerous machinery. Danger signs have a red background with white text and symbols.

Why Choose Jabac?

Jabac is a leading supplier of danger signage and other safety products in Australia. We offer high-quality, durable and compliant signs that meet all necessary standards and regulations. Our team of experts can also provide customised solutions to suit your specific workplace needs.

At Jabac, safety is our top priority, and we understand the importance of clear communication when it comes to potential hazards.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of danger signage?

Danger signage is a type of safety sign that warns individuals of hazardous conditions or situations in their surroundings that could be life-threatening. These signs use recognisable symbols, colours and text to alert people to potential dangers.

Why are danger signs important?

Danger signs are important because they serve as visual reminders of potential hazards or dangerous situations in workplaces. They help to raise awareness and alert individuals to take necessary precautions to avoid accidents, injuries or illnesses. Without danger signs, people may not be aware of potential dangers and could put themselves or others at risk.

Where should danger signs be placed?

According to safety regulations, danger signs should be placed in visible and prominent locations where individuals can easily see them. This could include entrances to hazardous areas, around dangerous machinery or near toxic substances. The placement of danger signs should also consider potential obstructions or distractions that could hinder their visibility. Overall, danger signs should be strategically placed to effectively warn and inform people of potential hazards in their surroundings.

Who is responsible for ensuring danger signs are displayed?

Employers or business owners have a duty of care towards their employees and visitors to ensure a safe working environment. This includes the use and display of appropriate safety signs, including danger signage.

What is the Danger Sign in WHS?

In Work Health and Safety (WHS), the danger sign is a type of safety sign that is used to warn individuals of potential hazards or dangerous situations in their surroundings. These signs are recognisable by their red background and white text and symbols, and they serve as visual reminders for people to take necessary precautions to avoid accidents or injuries. The use of danger signs in WHS is essential in promoting a safe and healthy workplace.