240 Volts

High Voltage Signs: All You Need To Know

In many workplaces, high-voltage signs are an essential component of keeping employees safe. By alerting workers to the presence of dangerous voltages, employers can help ensure that their staff remain safe and secure while they’re on the job.

However, it’s important to understand when these signs are necessary and what information they must include. In this article, we’re going to go over the basics of high-voltage signs, so you can stay informed and safe when it comes to using high-voltage signs.

What Is High Voltage?

High Voltage

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High voltage is any amount of electrical power that is greater than 600 volts (V). While there are different categories of high voltage, any voltage over 600 V is generally considered to be a hazardous level.

This means that it can cause serious injury or damage to people and equipment if it’s not handled properly. As such, it is essential that any person or business operating with high voltage levels take the necessary safety precautions to keep everyone around them safe.

What Is A High Voltage Sign?

A high-voltage sign is a safety warning that notifies employees and other personnel of the presence of higher voltages in the area. The signs are designed to alert workers to the potential dangers and help them stay safe while working with higher voltage levels.

High-voltage signs typically come in two different forms – either permanent or removable. Permanent signs are placed in areas that will be exposed to high voltage for a longer period of time, while removable signs can be used in more temporary settings.

Why Is It Important To Have High Voltage Signs?

High-voltage signs are important for several reasons, including the following:

  • They serve as a critical warning system, alerting people to the presence of potentially dangerous electrical equipment or high-voltage power lines.
  • They protect individuals from injury or even death by electrical shock, which can occur if people come into contact with high-voltage equipment without realising the danger.
  • These signs are particularly important in industrial settings or construction sites where high-voltage equipment is often used.
  • They are a legal requirement in many jurisdictions, helping businesses and organisations meet safety standards and avoid legal penalties.
  • High-voltage signs also serve an important educational role, helping to increase public awareness about the dangers of high-voltage electricity.

What Should A High Voltage Sign Include?

415 volts

High-voltage signs should include several essential elements, such as the following:

  • A yellow background with black text.
  • A warning symbol such as an exclamation point or lightning bolt to indicate the presence of a hazard.
  • The voltage level at which the sign applies, typically in volts (V).
  • Any additional warnings or instructions that may be necessary for safety reasons.

Where are High Voltage Signs Found?

High voltage signs are typically installed in areas where there is a high risk of electric shock. Some examples include:

  • Industrial premises
  • Transformers and switchyards
  • Industrial manufacturing sites
  • Construction sites
  • Electrical substations
  • Outdoor areas with overhead power lines
  • Mining sites

These signs are designed to provide a visual warning about potential electric hazards. They usually come in vibrant, easily visible colours such as yellow, orange or red and feature text alerting people to stay away from the danger area.

What Causes a High-Voltage Fault?

High voltage faults occur when an electrical installation is damaged, overloaded or exposed to a high level of humidity. This can lead to insulation failure, causing current to leak from the system.

The most common causes of these faults include:

  • Loose connections
  • Poorly installed wiring
  • Exposed wires
  • Defective equipment
  • Excessive load on the system

How to Minimise High Voltage Hazards?

When dealing with high-voltage signage, it’s important to understand the risk involved and take steps to minimise the potential of harm or injury. Here are some tips for mitigating hazardous situations related to high-voltage signs:

  • Make sure all personnel are aware of the hazards associated with high voltages. Ensure they have been trained in how to safely work around them.
  • Make sure to install all high-voltage signs in highly visible areas.
  • Be sure that the signage is clearly marked and easily readable. All personnel should be familiar with the meanings of each sign.
  • Ensure that electrical wiring is properly insulated and protected from environmental elements such as moisture or temperatures outside the normal range.
  • Regularly check for loose wiring or connections which could be a fire hazard.
  • Have regular inspections of high voltage signs to ensure that they are in good condition and still accurately reflect warnings.
  • Make sure all personnel are aware of the proper shutdown procedures should an emergency occur.
  • If necessary, use additional safety measures such as barriers or warning systems to alert personnel of potential hazards.

By following these tips, you can ensure that high-voltage signs are properly installed and maintained, reducing the risk of harm or injury. Taking extra precautions to mitigate any risks associated with high-voltage signage will go a long way towards creating a safe working environment for everyone.

How Jabac Can Assist You

At Jabac, we understand the importance of safety when it comes to warning and danger signs, such as high-voltage signs.

We offer a range of signs to help businesses comply with safety regulations and protect their personnel from harm.

Browse our range of safety signs today, or contact us to discuss your needs. We’ll be happy to work with you to find the right high-voltage sign for your application and help keep everyone safe on-site.


High-voltage signs are an essential safety tool, helping to keep personnel and equipment safe from potential hazards. It’s important for businesses to take the necessary steps to ensure these signs are properly installed and maintained, as well as making sure that all personnel are aware of their meaning and implications.

At Jabac, we understand the importance of safety and can help you find the right high-voltage sign for your needs. Contact us today to find out more about our range of safety signs and how they can help keep everyone safe on site.